Construction Engineering - Class of 2017
Thesis chair (Master's)
Angelim, Vanessa L. (2019). Proposta de Modelo para Apoio à Realização do Planejamento de Médio Prazo na Construção Civil. (In Portuguese: Proposal of Model to Support the Execution of the Medium-term Planning in Construction. Co-chair with Professor Jose de Paula Barros Neto, UFC - Brazil)
Silveira, Samia (2018). Target Value Design Applied to Sustainable Construction. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University. (publication link)
Al Heet, Mohammad (2018). Use of Lean Construction Practices in Transportation Construction Projects. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University. (publication link)
Desai, Panthil (2017). An Exploratory Analysis of Supplier Evaluation and Quality of the Product. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University. (publication link)
Harris, Britani (2017). Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Construction Operations. (publication link)
Neuman, Yoshua (2014). A Quantitative Analysis of Supplier Quality in the Engineer-Procure-Construct Industry. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University. 124pp. (publication link)
Pestana, Ana CatarinaV.M.F. (2010). Application of Lean concepts to Office Related Activities in Construction. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University. 143pp. (publication link)
Melo, Reymard Sávio S. (2010). Estudo da Cadeia de Suprimento de Portas Prontas de Madeira, Structures and Construction Master’s Program, Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal do Ceará (In Portuguese: Study of the supply chain of ready-made wooden doors) (publication link)
Ph.D. co-chair
Milion, Raphael (2019). Gestão da Ocorrência de Patologias em Construções Habitacionais (in Portuguese: Management of Pathologies in Residential Construction). Co-chaired with Professor José Carlos Paliari/UFSCar, Brazil.
Project chair (Master's)
Venkatesh, Abhishek Bidaraguppe (Spring 2024). Risk Assessment and Allocation in Construction Delivery Methods.
Levitt, Anna (Spring 2023). Powering Healthcare: Choosing a Central Plant Design for UC San Diego Health’s New Campus. Masters in Engineering Project. (Co-chaired with Jeremy Bernerth, College of Business)
Vedamurthy, A. (Summer 2021). Collaborative Scheduling: Analysis of Parameters/Determinants that Influence Schedule Performance.
Mundaca, I. (Summer 2020). Sustainable Construction Tool Systems for Social Housing.
Fridge, Jolifer (Summer 2020). Integration of Energy Efficiency and Facilities Repair Projects during Development Planning and Programming.
Herm, Kimberly (Summer 2020). Understanding and Improving Applications for Design-Bid-Build and Design-Build Project Delivery in Naval Facilities Engineering Command Projects.
Rowe, Benjamin P. (Summer 2020). NAVFAC Red Zone Delivery and Project Commissioning.
Warren, Calvin (Spring 2019). Collaborative Scheduling Methods: The Most Collaborative Software to Support.
Willis, David (Spring 2019). Construction Contract Analysis with a Focus on Collaborative Language.
Karunamurthy, Kaviya (Fall 2018). How are subcontractors procured for a project.
Guda, Mallika (Spring 2018). An update on BIM use in construction field operations.
Shah, Alay (Spring 2018). Analysis of Supplier Evaluation Practices and Product Quality.
Sanghvi, Pallash (Fall 2017). Analysis of schedule-related claims and contract clauses.
Shah, Nargis (Fall 2017). Analysis of Construction Contracts Language with a Focus on Collaboration.
Rovinsky, A.J. (Summer 2017). Meeting Value on Naval Base Coronado's Coastal Campus Project.
Pathel, Hiren (Summer 2017). Analysis of the Street Damage Fee Process.
Bharwad, Deval (Summer 2017). Keywords Use and Research Trends in IGLC Conferences.
Christopher, Adam W. (Spring 2017). Balancing High Workloads and Resource Constraints to Prioritize Project Success.
Alnowaisir, Abdulmojeb (Spring 2016). Challenges to Implement the Last Planner System®: A Literature Review.
Abouseoud, Thamer (Spring 2016). Benchmark Study on Roadway System to Develop a Checklist to Evaluate Visual Management in Construction Sites.
Arnous, Bander (Spring 2016). Teaching Lean Construction: A Survey of Lean Skills and Qualifications Expected by Contractors in 2016.
Noorazar, Aria (Spring 2016). Lean Principles and the Management of Construction Submittals, Change Orders, and RFIs.
Sahai, Abhinav (Spring 2016). Visual Management in Construction Sites and Organizations.
Peck, Craig. (Fall 2015) The Use of Integrated Project Delivery in Federal Projects.
Widhalm, Chris (Summer 2015). Analysis of Power Outages and Factors Affecting Naval Base San Diego.
Strausbaugh, Kyle. Construction Contract Pre-award Process: Eliminating Waste in Proposal Development Costs. Summer 2015.
Zukowsky, Joe (Summer 2015). Critical Factors in the Design of High-Performance Buildings.
McMaster, Dan (Summer 2015). Analysis of Current Applications for Shipping Containers for Use in Urgent Construction: Lean, Green, Transportable.
Ravaghi, Kioomars (Spring 2015). Supplier Selection in EPC Projects: An Overview of the Process and its Main Activities. (RT 308's research extension).
Marr, Emily (Fall 2014). Facilities Management and Operations and Building Information Model (BIM).
Gilbert, Elaine (Fall 2014). RFI Discussion Forum.
Kim, Chris D. (Spring 2014). An Analysis of the Last Planner®System in a Construction Project. Master’s Project. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. San Diego State University. 25pp. (publication link)
Hayden, L. (Spring 2014). Analysis of Design-Build Delivery Method. Master’s Project. Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. San Diego State University. 25pp. (publication link)
Soto-Robles, Norma (Fall 2010). Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Implementation in Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Construction Project Management. Master’s Project. Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department. San Diego State University. 45pp. (publication link)
Special studies - SDSU - Advisor
Harris, Britani “Integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Construction Planning and Control”, Fall 2012 (Master Thesis Study, advisor)
Wittler, Jacob "Analysis of Lean Construction Principles within Design-Build Projects", Fall 2011
Damoudt-Rodriguez, Axel “Study of Construction Contracts in Military Projects Graduate Special Study,” Spring 2010 (co-advisor with Dr. Colin Milberg)
Garcia, Erika “Study of Lean Concepts related to Production Planning and Control in Construction,” Graduate Special Study, Spring 2010 (co-advisor with Dr. Colin Milberg)
Pestana, Ana “Lean Office in Construction Companies,” Graduate Special Study, Spring 2010 (Master Thesis Study), Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, SDSU.
Soto-Robles, Norma “Investigation of the Production Planning and Control System of a Military Project,” Graduate Special Study, Spring 2010 (co-advisor with Dr. Colin Milberg)
Tanner, Kristopher, “CONE 420 Environmentally Conscious Construction”, 499 Special Study, Summer 2012 (CIVE)
Albitre, Marcus, "Sustainable Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Construction", 499 Special Study, Spring 2011 (CONE)
Sical, Ana, "Managing the Magic Camp Construction Project", 499 Special Study, Fall 2010 (CONE)
Vergara, Rosaline, "Managing the Magic Camp Construction Project", 499 Special Study, Fall 2010(CONE)
Ergas, Roye, “CONE 301 Construction Ethics, Law, and Contracts,” 499 Special Study, Spring 2010 (CONE)
Jamil, Amanda “Process and Permitting: Creating a Lean Office in the City of San Diego Development Services Department,” 499 Special Study, Fall 2009 (CIVE)
Undergraduate Research - SDSU - Advisor
Ashley Pernin. Weber Honors College Research Fellow Program Spring 2023 (Construction & Culture)
Ian Lucier. Weber Honors College Research Fellow Program Spring 2023 (Construction & Culture)
Karleigh Cown. WE BELIEVE Summer Program. Summer 2021 (Research Initiation)
Dena Toshee. WE BELIEVE Summer Program,.Summer 2021 (Research Initiation)
Tran Ly. Inventory of STEM Programs and Research in San Diego. Summer 2021
Manuel Martinez. Collaborative Scheduling and Project Delivery Methods. Summer 2020-Spring 2021
Victor H. A. Rodrigues. Data Collection and Analysis - Keywords and Research Trends in IGLC conferences. Summer 2016 - BSMP Exchange Student. Summer 2016 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Thiago S. Rocha. Production System Design for Prefabricated Wood Houses.
Vitor Alves. Data Analysis of Quality Inspections in Residential Buildings. Summer 2016 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Debora Chan. Literature Review on Inspection Capability to Develop an Educational Game. Summer 2015 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Gustavo Ferreira. Development of a Website with Examples of Transparency Principles Applied to Construction Projects. Summer 2015 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Lia Ribeiro. Building Information Modeling for Analysis of Construction Operations. Summer 2015 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Camila Figueredo. Analysis of Sustainability Rating Systems for Construction Projects. Summer 2015 - BSMP Exchange Student.
Nickovich, Aaron "Promoting Careers in the Electrical Contracting Business through Student Chapter Engagement and Research on Energy Efficient Projects." Fall 2012 - Springr 2013 (Mech. Eng., ELECTRI Foundation, FSMP)
Souza, Paulo "Analysis of SDSU Buildings regarding features that help/hinder energy conservation." Fall 2012-Summer 2013 (Mech. Eng., CAPES exchange student, Special Study, FSMP)
Hathaway, Christopher "Promoting Careers in the Electrical Contracting Business through Student Chapter Engagement and Research on Energy Efficient Projects." Summer-Fall 2012 (Env. Eng., ELECTRI Foundation, FSMP)
Roger, Léo "LEED EBOM Certification of the ARC Building." Fall 2012 (En. Eng., Exchange student, Special Study, FSMP)
Lopez, Joris "LEED EBOM Certification of the ARC Building" Fall 2012 (En. Eng., Exchange student, Special Study, FSMP)
Faculty Student Mentoring Program (FSMP) Group on Energy Conservation - From left to right: Thais Alves, Jess Aloisio, Paulo Souza, Aaron Nickovich
Committee member
Doctoral Dissertation
Bataglin, Fernanda S. (2023). “Model for integrated management of industrialized building systems using location-based planning and control with the support of BIM.” Advisors: Carlos T. Formoso. And Daniela D. Viana Committee Members: Eduardo L. Isatto, Iamara R. Bulhões, Thais da C.L. Alves
Choi, Jiyong (Jay) (2020). BIM-based Performance Benchmarking for Healthcare Projects. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Texas at Austin. Advisors: Daniel P. de Oliveira and Fernanda Leite. Committee Members: Steve Boyles, Carlos Caldas, Thais da C.L. Alves
Ji, Yuanshen (2018). A Framework for Optimized and Automated Tower Crane Planning in Preconstruction Phase. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Advisor: Fernanda Leite. Committee Members: Carlos Caldas, John D. Borcherding, Randy B. Machemehl, Thais da C.L. Alves
Olivieri, Hylton (2016). Integração de Sistemas de Planejamento e Controle da Produção para Empreendimentos de Construção Civil. Advisor: Ariovaldo Denis Granja, UNICAMP. Committee Members: Flávio Picchi, Gladis Camarini, Carlos Formoso, Thais da C.L. Alves
Sommer, Lucila (2016). Diretrizes para o Project do Sistema deProdução de Sistemas Construtivos Inovadores. Qualifying Exam. (Doutorado em Engenharia Civil) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFRGS, Porto Alegre. (In Portuguese) Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso. Committee Members: Tarcísio A. Saurin, Ariovaldo D. Granja, Thais da C.L. Alves
Choe, Sooyoung. (2015). 4-Dimensional Site-Specific Safety Planning. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Advisor: Fernanda Leite, UT Austin. Committee members: Carlos Caldas, Steve Thomas, Zhanmin Zhang, Thais da C.L. Alves
AlMaian, Rufaidah Y. (2014). A Strategic Approach to Effectively Manage Supplier Quality Within the Construction Industry. Ph.D. Dissertation. Industrial Engineering Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. 196pp. Advisor: Kim LaScola Needy; Committee members: Thais da C.L. Alves, Heather Natchmann, Edward A. Pohl, John A. White
Wang, Li. (2014). Knowledge Formalization and Reuse in BIM-based Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Design Coordination in New Construction Projects Using Data Mining Techniques. Ph.D. Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin. Advisor: Fernanda Leite. Committee members: Carlos H. Caldas, John D. Borcherding, Randy B. Machemehl, Thais da C.L. Alves
Jylha, Tuuli (2013). Creating Value or Waste? Evaluating the Production of Real State Services with Lean Thinking. Ph.D. Dissertation. Aalto University. Advisor: Seppo Junnilla; Preliminary Examiners: Thais da C. L. Alves and Zofia K. Rybkowski (Texas A&M).
Master's Thesis
Ribeiro, Fabricio B. (2018). Método para Planejamento e controle da Produção baseado em Zonas de Trabalho e BIM. (in Portuguese) Master's Thesis. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFRGS, Porto Alegre. (In Portuguese) Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso; Committee Members: TEduardo Luis Isatto, Thais da C.L. Alves
Ribeiro, Flora S. (2018). Diretrizes para Implementação do Sistema Last Planner com Foco nas Práticas do Planejamento de Fase. (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFBA, Salvador. (In Portuguese) Advisor: Dayana Bastos Costa. Committee Members: Thais da C.L. Alves, Ariovaldo D. Granja
Skraba, Cristiana, P. (2016). Agregação de Valor em Empreendimentos Imobiliários Comerciais: Análise Segundo Target Value Design. Pós-Graduação em Metodologia de Projeto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, UEL & UEM. Advisor: Ercília H. Hirota, UEL. Committee Members: Thais da C.L. Alves, Ariovaldo Denis Granja.
Loppi, Vinicius (2015). Desenvolvimento de um modelo para implantação gradual dos princípios de IPD e práticas de LPDS na gestão de projetos de instalações da indústria de base brasileira. Master's Thesis. (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFRGS, Porto Alegre. (In Portuguese) Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso; Committee Members: Tarcísio A. Saurin, Ariovaldo D. Granja, Thais da C.L. Alves
Reck, Raquel Hoffmann (2013). Método para integração da simulação de eventos discretos e modelagem 4D no projeto do sistema de produção de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social. Master's Thesis. (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFRGS, Porto Alegre. (In Portuguese) Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso; Committee Members: Fábio Kellermann Schramm, Sergio Scheer, Thais da C.L. Alves
Ahmad, Shamail (2013). An Analysis of Process vs. Inspection Capability in Fabricated, Engineered-to-Order Supply Chains.Master's Thesis. Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department, San Diego State University. Advisor: Kenneth Walsh. Committee members: Thais da C.L. Alves and Khaled Morsi
Mecit, Ahmet Murat (2013). Optical analysis and modeling of a window for small particle receiver using the Monte Carlo Ray Trace method. Master's Thesis. Mechanical Engineering Department, San Diego State University. Advisor: Fletcher Miller, Committee members: Randall German, Thais da C.L. Alves
Dokhale, Mugdha S. (2012). Numerical Modeling Of A High Temperature Carbon Particle Generator. Master's Thesis. Mechanical Engineering Department, San Diego State University. Advisor: Fletcher Miller. Committee members: Subrata Bhattacharjee, Thais da C.L. Alves
Espino, Elias (2012). Case Study of Material Buffer Performance in a Construction Project. Master's Thesis. Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Department, San Diego State University. Advisor: Kenneth Walsh. Committee members: Thais da C.L. Alves, Khaled Morsi, Tara C. Hutchinson.
Sommer, Lucila (2010). Contribuições para um Método de Identificação de Perdas por Improvisação em Canteiros de Obras. Post Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (In Portuguese: Contributions to a method to identify make-do waste in construction sites) Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso; Committee Members: Eduardo L. Isatto, Tarcísio A. Saurin, Thais da C.L. Alves
Juliana Carvalho Schlachter Sampaio (2010). Proposição de um modelo de retroalimentação do Processo de Projeto a partir de Medições de Satisfação dos Clientes. Structures and Construction Master’s Program, Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal do Ceará (In Portuguese: Proposition of a model to give feedback to the design process based on client satisfaction measurements). Advisor: José de Paula Barros Neto; Committee Members: Luciana Hazin de Alencar, Thais da C.L. Alves
Adolfo Cesar Figueiredo Costa (2007). A Comunicação no gerenciamento de projetos de construção civil - Uma abordagem da teoria da ação como perspectiva da linguagem. Post Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. (In Portuguese: Communication in Construction Project Management: An approach based on Language Action/Perspective). Advisor: Antonio E. Jungles; Committee Members: Luis F.M. Heineck, Cristine Mutti, Thais da C.L. Alves
Rodrigo Cremonesi Bortolazza (2006). Contribuições para a Coleta e Análise de Dados de PCP em Empresas de Construção.Post Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Master’s Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. (In Portuguese: Contributions for the PPC Data Collection and Analysis in Construction Companies). Advisor: Carlos T. Formoso; Committee Members: Flávio S. Fogliatto, Marco A. Stumpf González, Thais da C.L. Alves
Master's Project (SDSU)
Matthew Williams (2012) (Advisor: Kenneth Walsh)
Matthew Tolhurst (2011) (Advisor: Kenneth Walsh)
James Sullivan (2011) (Advisor: Kenneth Walsh)
William Wohead (2011) (Advisor: Kenneth Walsh)
Students supervised at UFC - Fortaleza, CE -Brazil ( 2006-2009)
Master’s in Civil Engineering - UFC:
Reymard Sávio Sampaio de Melo. Estudo da cadeia de suprimento de esquadrias de madeira. (In Portuguese: Study of the supply chain of wood windows and doors) (ongoing) Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2008-2010
Specialization in Civil Engineering - UFC:
Maria Kaline Cavalcante Mota. Diretrizes para a compatibilização entre orçamento e planejamento em uma empresa da construção civil. 2007. (In Portuguese: Guidelines for matching budgeting and planning activities in a construction company) Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Teaching assistants for Construction Management courses- UFC:
George Silva Costa, 2007.1
Fernando Trévia Neto, 2007.2
Bruno Pontes Mota, 2008
Marisônia Beenvides 2009.1
Scientific initiation (undergraduate student research assistant) - UFC:
Cintia Borges Martins. Low-income housing value chains: investigation, modeling, and proposition of decision-making model based on computational simulation. (Chemical Engineering) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, CNPq/PIBIC. (2008-2009)
Evandro Costa Teles. Qualifor – Evaluation of suppliers for the construction projects funded by the City of Fortaleza. (Civil Engineering) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fundação Cearense de Pesquisa e Cultura. (2007-2008)
Paloma Moreira de Medeiros. Qualifor - – Evaluation of suppliers for the construction projects funded by the City of Fortaleza. (Civil Engineering) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fundação Cearense de Pesquisa e Cultura. (2007-2008)
Adolfo Dantas Oliveira. Process mapping in a construction project: analysis, discussion and process improvement. (Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, CNPq. (2007)
Undergraduate final projects and papers (Capstone projects) - UFC:
Renato Quinderé Carneiro. A model for production planning and control in construction projects. 2009. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Patrícia Pinto Gonçalves. Analysis of the implementation of sustainable practices in construction projects in the city of Fortaleza. 2009. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Jorge Thomas Pinheiro Campos. Design of elements of a production system for structural mansory projects. 2009. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Jarlécyo Muniz Aguiar. Implementation of Lean tools in the production planning and control process of high-end residential houses projects. 2009. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Vanessa Lira Angelim. Production planning and control based on Lean principles. 2009. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
José Iolam de Sousa Santiago Júnior. Análise da avaliação pós-ocupação através do desdobramento da função qualidade – QFD. (In Portuguese: Analysis of post-occupancy evaluation through the quality function deployment - QFD). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Lucas Vieira Meireles de Freitas. Aplicabilidade da filosofia Lean na construção pesada. (In Portuguese: Applicability of the Lean philosophy in heavy civil construction). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Ricardo de Sá Barreto Callou Filho. Proposta de um manual de padronização das instalações de canteiro e planejamento de layout. (In Portuguese: Proposal of a manual to standardize construction site elements and plan the site layout). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Raul Gurgel de Melo Júnior. A análise de restrições e a execução de obras da construção civil. (In Portuguese: Constraint analysis and the execution of construction projects). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Bruno Pontes Mota. Proposta de modelo de gestão de suprimentos na construção civil (In Portuguese: Proposal of a procurement management model in construction). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Francisco Câncio de Araújo Neto. Análise do sistema de indicadores de desempenho empregado em uma empresa construtora. (In Portuguese: Analysis of the performance indicators system in a construction company). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Patrícia Lopes Araruna. O panorama atual do setor produtivo da construção civil no estado do Ceará: o caso das grandes empresas construtoras e incorporadoras. (In Portuguese: The current scenario of the construction sector in the state of Ceará: the case of big residential construction companies). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Bruno Gadelha Gomes. Proposta de melhorias na utilização do planejamento e controle da produção baseada na verificação e análise de dados de obras. (In Portuguese: Proposal to improve the use of the production planning and control process based on the analysis of data collected at construction sites). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
José Rodolfo Ferreira Costa Filho. Planejamento e controle de um empreendimento residencial sob a ótica da construção enxuta. (In Portuguese: Planning and control of a residential construction project based on Lean Construction). 2008. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Fábio Aguiar Silveira Júnior. Análise crítica da integração entre o sistema de planejamento e controle da produção e o sistema de gestão da qualidade em uma empresa construtora.. (In Portuguese: Critical analysis of the integration between the production planning and control system and the quality management system in a construction company). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Reymard Sávio Sampaio de Melo. Análise da utilização de indicadores de desempenho para o planejamento e controle da produção em empresas construtoras. (In Portuguese: Analysis of the use of performance indicators for the production planning and control process in construction companies). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Sérvulo José Moreira Rocha. Estudo do setor de suprimentos em uma empresa de construção civil: setor de obras residenciais de médio e alto padrão. (In Portuguese: Study of the procurement department in a construction company: medium- and high-end residential projects sector). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Tatiana Barros Castro. Estudo comparativo entre orçamento planejado e orçamento executado em uma empresa de construção civil. (In Portuguese: Comparative study: the planned vs. actual budget in a construction company). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Ricardo Lima Barroso. Projeto de elementos do sistema de produção de um empreendimento habitacional de interesse social. (In Portuguese: Design of elements of a production system for a low-income housing project). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Ramson de Aragão Gois. Estudo do setor de suprimentos em uma empresa de construção civil. (In Portuguese: Study of the procurement department in a construction company). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
George Silva Costa. Qualidade em Obras Públicas: um estudo de caso na Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza - PMF. (In Portuguese: Quality on public-funded projects: the case of projects funded by the city of Fortaleza). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Leonardo de Castro Brasileiro. Análise da execução do planejamento da obra em conformidade com o PBQP-H: estudo de caso. (In Portuguese: Analysis of the implementation of the planning process in accordance to the PBQP-H standards). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Giovanni Alves Soares Júnior. Utilização da prática do benchmarking aplicado à gerência dos processos de projeto na arquitetura. (In Portuguese: Use of the benchmarking practice in the process of architectural design). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
David Asfor Rocha Lima. Gerenciamento e coordenação de projetos na construção civil: estudo de caso em um empreendimento comercial. (In Portuguese: Management and coordination of construction projects: the case of a commercial project). 2007. Civil Engineering. Universidade Federal do Ceará.
Undergraduate internships - UFC
Patrícia Pinto Gonçalves (2009.1)
Renato Quinderé Carneiro (2009.1)
Vanessa Lira Angelim (2009.1)
Murilo Brasil de Carvalho Rocha (2008.2)
Francisco Câncio de Araújo Neto (2008.1)
José Iolam de Sousa Santiago Júnior (2008.1)
Lucas Vieira Meireles de Freitas (2008.1)
Patrícia Lopes Araruna (2008.1)
Raul Gurgel de Melo Júnior (2008.1)
Ricardo de Sá Barreto Filho (2008.1)
Bruno Magalhães Ribeiro (2007.2)
David Asfor Rocha Lima (2007.2)
Francisco Alexandre de Aguiar Filgueira (2007.2)
Rosa Angélica Saldanha (2007.2)